
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

For your convenience, we’ve collated a list of the most frequently asked questions by customers of the WealthDesk Platform. If you do not find a resolution to your query in this section, please feel free to get in touch with Help & Support.


Getting Started

What are WealthBaskets?

A WealthBasket is a combination of equities and ETFs created and managed by SEBI registered professionals. Each WealthBasket reflects an investment strategy, theme or sector.

Who creates WealthBaskets?

WealthBaskets are created by SEBI registered investment professionals known as Research Analysts (RAs) or Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs). These professionals are collectively known as WealthBasket Curators on the WealthDesk platform.

What are the advantages of Investing in WealthBaskets?

• Regular rebalancing updates to ensure the WealthBasket continues to optimally reflect the latest version of an underlying research/investment methodology
• Diversification benefits to protect against market volatility
• No hidden costs
• Stocks and ETFs reside in your Demat account
• No lock-in period
• Receive dividends, if any, directly in your bank account

How do WealthBaskets compare to Mutual Funds & PMS?

• Direct ownership – All the underlying stocks and ETFs that you invest through a WealthBasket sit in your Demat account
• Completely liquid – There is no lock-in involved. You can exit anytime
• Transparency – As the stocks and ETFs reside in your Demat account, there is complete visibility of what you hold

Disclaimer: Investing in markets has its associated risks, so you should invest as per your risk appetite and investment objectives.

How do I begin investing in WealthBaskets?

To invest in WealthBasket, you need an active trading and demat account with Share.Market. Once your account is activated with Share.Market, you can purchase WealthBasket based on your choice.

Do I need to create an account with WealthDesk?

No, you need to create your trading and demat account with Share.Market to purchase WealthBaskets.

WealthBasket 101

What is the minimum amount I can invest?

The minimum amount varies depending on the WealthBasket and the WealthBasket Curator. But we’ve ensured there’s a WealthBasket within everyone’s financial reach. 

Wealth generation is for everyone!

Are there entry or exit fees/loads when investing/exiting WealthBaskets?

On entry: other than the subscription fee paid to the WealthBasket Curator, no other cost is involved (brokerage applicable as per your broker).

On exit: no exit fees (brokerage applicable as per your broker).

What asset classes are available to invest in through WealthBaskets?

Currently, WealthBaskets span equities and ETF asset classes. However, we’re working on expanding this further!

Do you get dividends on WealthBaskets?

Dividends in any underlying constituent stocks in the WealthBasket will be credited directly to your bank account. The platform allows you to track paid out dividends just like your realized and unrealized capital gains.

Where can I find all WealthBaskets?

On the desktop website, you can find all the WealthBaskets by clicking the ‘Discover’ tab on the top navigation bar.
On the mobile website, click the three dash button at the top right corner and select the ‘Discover’ option.

Where can I find all WealthBasket Curators?

On the desktop website, you can find all the WealthBasket Curators by clicking the ‘Discover’ tab on the top navigation bar.
On the mobile website, click on the three dash button at the top right corner and select the ‘Discover’ option. 

Manage & Track

Where can I track my WealthBasket Performance?

You can track your WealthBasket investments on the ‘My Portfolio’ page once you are logged in to the WealthDesk ecosystem. Here, you can view the overall performance of your WealthBasket investments and the WealthBaskets individually.

Where do I see my order status?

The ‘My Transactions’ tab lets you view all the orders made during the day as part of your WealthBasket investments.

Where do I receive WealthBasket notifications?

You will receive notifications around subscription confirmation, errors, rejections, rebalancing notifications, etc. via e-mail and SMS. You can also view the notifications by clicking on the bell icon on the top navigation bar, which you will see once you are logged in to the WealthDesk platform.

How do I invest more in a WealthBasket?

To increase investment in a WealthBasket, you need to click on the ‘My Portfolio’ tab and head to the particular WealthBasket in the ‘My Investments’ section. Click on the WealthBasket you want to invest an additional amount in, and press the ‘Buy More’ button. Enter the investment amount and click on ‘Continue’. After this, you will be asked to confirm the investment. Once confirmed, press the ‘Place’ button. 

What are rejected orders?

Unsuccessful orders rejected by the broker or the exchange are shown as rejected orders. You are requested to retry the rejected orders. You can retry the rejected order by heading to the ‘Pending Actions’ tab and scrolling to the ‘Rejected Orders’ section. Here, click on ‘Approve’ to retry the rejected orders. After this, you will be asked to confirm the orders. Once approved, press the ‘Place’ button. 


What is rebalancing?

Rebalancing is re-aligning the constituents or the weightage of the stocks and ETFs in a WealthBasket. It ensures that WealthBasket continues to reflect the latest version of an underlying research/investment methodology. Rebalancing is initiated by the WealthBasket Curator managing the WealthBasket as per their discretion, investment strategy, and market conditions. You are expected to apply those rebalancing changes by approving the trades of the underlying stocks or ETFs.

Where do I get rebalancing updates for my WealthBaskets?

You will receive rebalancing updates for the WealthBaskets via email/SMS. You may also access pending rebalancing notifications through the ‘Pending Actions’ tab on WealthDesk.

How often does rebalancing happen?

There is no defined rebalancing frequency. It varies depending on the strategies of the WealthBasket Curators.

Do I have to accept rebalancing changes?

It is recommended to accept the rebalancing changes so that your WealthBasket investment continues to reflect the latest version of an underlying research/investment methodology. However, the final decision is yours. You may accept or reject the rebalancing changes.

How do I rebalance my WealthBasket?

Head to the ‘Pending Orders’ section on the ‘Pending Actions’ page. Here you will see all the pending rebalances. To rebalance your WealthBasket, click on the ‘Approve’ button. After this, you will be asked to confirm the rebalance. Once confirmed, press the ‘Place’ button.

My rebalancing was unsuccessful, or partially complete. What next?

You will have to retry the rejected orders to complete the rebalancing. Please check your Demat account balance before attempting to retry the rejected orders. You can retry the rejected orders by heading to the ‘Pending Actions’ page and scrolling to the ‘Rejected Orders’ section. Here click on ‘Approve’ to retry the rejected orders. After this, you will be asked to confirm the order. Once confirmed, press the ‘Place’ button. 

Withdraw & Exit

How do I Partially Withdraw some money from WealthBaskets?

You can partially withdraw from a WealthBasket anytime during market hours by selecting the WealthBasket you want to withdraw from on the ‘My Portfolio’ page. On the WealthBasket page, click on the ‘Other Actions’ button and select ‘Withdraw Partially’. Enter the amount you want to withdraw. After this, you will be asked to confirm the withdrawal. Once confirmed, press the ‘Place’ button.

How do I exit a WealthBasket?

You can exit a WealthBasket anytime during market hours by selecting the WealthBasket you want to exit from on the ‘My Portfolio’ page. On the WealthBasket page, click on the ‘Other Actions’ button and select ‘Exit’. You will be asked to confirm when you select the ‘Exit’ button. Once confirmed, press the ‘Place’ button.